The Pocket Choral Society

BILL BAILEY MEETS THE ARCHERS!” Derbyshire Venue Promoter

A comedy a cappella touring show combining beautiful close harmony singing and quirky songwriting, with much laughter and even improvised singing sessions, the Pocket Choral Society features four experienced singers blending into one. Singing unamplified the quartet bring their own songs and new arrangements of some from other songwriters such as Lennon and McCartney, Lou Reed, Flanders & Swann and Tom Waits.

With lots of touring experience around the highways and backwaters of Britain, The Pocket Choral Society bring their songs of the minutiae of daily life, pastries, love and the poor state of home care for the elderly in the UK.

We’ve redesigned all our leaflets and posters and we can overprint them for a show at YOUR village hall.

For our specially designed show for Rural Touring Schemes and village hall performances CLICK HERE